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Book Reviews

Let's Fix America! by Alan B. Jones
Outline of how many of our national problems could easily be solved with a Congress able and willing to do the job.

If you have ever had the urge to write a letter to the editor concerning high taxes, unbalanced federal budgets, Social Security, medical care, welfare, education, crime, or lack of congressional responsibility or leadership, then this is the book for you. The book is the result of the author's conviction that real, long term solutions exist to these and other important national problems, and that fixing them lacks only the conviction of the electorate that such solutions exist, and are attainable.

The author outlines the major problems, and then lays out his solutions, along with a program starting at the grass roots for implementing them. His message will open your eyes and encourage you to become part of the burgeoning reform movement which the bulk of today's politicians justly fear.

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Order Let's Fix America, ISBN 0964084805, $15.00

Order Let's Fix America! by Alan B. Jones

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