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Ten Miles of Roadside Archaeology Along the Old Humboldt Wagon Road: A Cultural Resource Investigation of the Santos Fire Area, Upper Bidwell Park by Gregory F. White, Ph.D.
Insight into a ten mile segment of the Old Humboldt wagon road


Editorial Note


Section One

Short Detours Along the Way

John Bidwell and the Humboldt Wagon Road Nancy Leek

Distant Lure David M. Brown

Hard Times, Hooligans, and Heroes Ron Womack

The Shameful Neglect of Chico’s Rock Fences Michelle M. Rader

Jaredna Johnson's Stage Ride to Quincy David M. Brown

Wakefield's Station Ron Womack

Letters, Receipts, and Hired Help Josie Reifschneider-Smith

Frank Bidwell Durkee Josie Reifschneider-Smith


Section Two

A Cultural Resource Investigation of the Santos Fire Area, Upper Bidwell Park


Executive Summary

Historical Research Findings

Archaeological Survey Methods & Findings

Potential Effects, Integrity & California Register Eligibility


Attachment A: Compliance Context

Attachment D: Historical Documents, Maps & Photographs Consulted

Attachment F: Three Sample Reports

Site 2: County Seat Grade

Site 6: Dead Man's Hill Stacked Rock Fence

Site 7: 1962 Construction Detour


Ten Miles of Roadside Archaeology Along the Old Humboldt Road

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