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About the authors Charmion Adams, a longtime Jonesville resident and retired teacher, was an early volunteer for the book. She soon recognized that the authors would need to know what was on the many taped interviews, and she volunteered to prepare the summaries. Bill Dennison was born in the Diamond Match camp to West Branch and spent his childhood years in the Butte Meadows camp. He worked for Diamond as surveyor, resident forester, and forest engineer and became president of the venerable California Forestry Association. Dorothy Hill is a fourth generation Californian whose family has been in Butte County since 1852. She has actively participated in the interviews, field photography, and library research since the start of the project in 1986. Jim Jessee, a Chico native and a Lucas Ranch cabin owner, discovered the charm of Chico Meadows from the stories of his aunt, Caroline Bruce (White) Jessee. Her sister, Evelyn Bruce Post, helped provide the research on Chico Meadows. Barbara Maggi, grand–daughter of former owners of the Jonesville Hotel, has followed the tradition of her mother, Fern Greene, in her love of the mountain area and its history. She has greatly helped in preservation of the lore of the area. Barbara Mahler, a native Californian, first joined the project as a transcriber, then became secretary and project photographer for and author/editor of the cabin histories. She is a cabin owner in Bulaklakan in Jonesville. Barbara Mann, chair, History Committee and chapter author, married into Jonesville, having spent summers at the family cabin in Butte Meadows. She also attended Every Girls Camp and Camp Fire Camp at Camp Lassen. Her goal has been to preserve the history of this area through interviews, planned events, and shared research. Doug Mann, a native Californian whose pioneer grandfather was a wagon master from St. Louis, began coming to Jonesville as a small child. Fisherman, scout and woodsman, he has given much time to the BMJ Community Association, Camp Lassen, and Butte Co. Volunteer Fire Co. #10. Dave Nopel descended from the pioneering Bell and Nopel families who resided and worked in the mountains east of Chico. His love for Chico Meadows came from Scout Camp and his longtime friends, the Price family of Chico Meadows. June Norton began coming to the area as a small child on Stephens family cattle drives. As caregiver to descendants of Cussicks and McGanns, she began gathering genealogy. She helped restore the historic Cussick/McGann Cemetery near Malloy Creek. Emma Roney, grand-daughter of Johnny Johnson who hauled freight over the Humboldt Road before the turn of the century, rode horseback all over the area and attended camp at Camp Lassen. She used her cabin on Lucas Ranch as her summer office for work on this book. George Roney had countless stories of his own and from his grandfather, Archie Bennett, about cattle drives over the Campbell Trail. A lifetime rancher, he has shared his garden bounty with the mountain residents. Also he has contributed greatly to the BMJ Community Association. Rosella Thornsberry always dreamed of a cabin in the mountains, and in the 1970s that dream came true. Rosella focused on the history of Butte Meadows in her work on the History Committee. Dorothy Vanous, a history buff and retired teacher, was persuaded to join the project because of her talent for choosing the right descriptive word. Her husband has been coming to the Butte Meadows area since the 1940s. Ren Wakefield, cabin owner, was on the Camp Lassen staff in the 1960s, became executive director of the Mount Lassen Area Council, and camp director from 1970–1975. He was the BMJ committee liaison for the 60th anniversary event at Camp Lassen. About the chapters Chapter 1, Humboldt Road Extending from Chico to Susanville, the Humboldt Road today covers 100 miles. Along with its special beauty the road’s history enchants travelers who use it to reach Butte Meadows, Chico Meadows, and Jonesville. Chapter 2, Cattle Drives The sounds of "Head ’em up and push ’em out" and the bawling of calves are seldom heard today. Cabins and corrals at the old stops are falling down, but the memories of cowboys and cattle drives on the Campbell Trail live on. Chapter 3, Logging and Livelihood The years of 1936–1953 in the Butte Meadows Diamond Match logging camp were special in many lives. A camaraderie developed among workers in the logging industry. Work ethic, cooperative efforts, and "making do" were their legacy. Chapter
Protection The
Volunteer Chapter 5, Butte Meadows People who came in the 1920s and 1930s are senior citizens now, telling stories to their grandchildren of carefree summer days spent in Butte Meadows, playing happily in forest and creeks and living primitively as they escaped the valley heat. Chapter 6, Chico Meadows A hideaway from the comparative bustle of Butte Meadows, Chico Meadows offered a dip in the old swimming hole, fishing in its creek, a sip from the big spring, play in the old sawdust pile, and cherished memories of family camping all summer or even just a week or two at Scout Camp. Chapter 7, Jonesville Two historic buildings—the hotel and barn, symbolize the significance of stagecoach stops of the past and a unique summer resort that has existed since 1869 when the area began to be called Jonesville. Chapter 8, Summary of Interviews Stories that evoked memories were important because most people recall their experiences through sensory impressions. Basic facts were substantiated when sources were available, but the researchers concentrated on personal reflections and family lore. Chapter 9, Cabin Histories Histories were collected over a period of eight years. Some families agreed to a photograph. The delight of their oral history appears in the cabin histories, the building of cabins, family events, and the pure enjoyment of a mountain retreat. Names included in A Small Corner of the West Abbey, Robert; Abbott, Elwood; Abell, Jackie Chandler; Abrams, Miss; Abrams, Mrs.; Adams, Bob; Adams, Charmion (Champ); Adams family; Adams, Mr.; Adams, Paul ("P.A."); Adams, Richard; Adams, Tom; Adema, Joel; Ahart, Bud; Albert, Marlene; Albert, Max; Alexander, Charles; Alexander, Frank; Alexander, "Jake" Allan; Allen, Benjamin F.; Allen, Brenda; Allen, Cindy; Allen, Don; Allen family; Allen, Laverne ("Red"); Allen, Vernon; Allen, Viola; Altig, Don; Andrews, Charlie; Andrews, Tony; Apfel, Joseph; Apfel, Phyllis; Apperson, Albert; Apperson family; Apperson, Jack; Apperson, Merle; Archer, Mr.; Argo family; Arms, Adam; Arms, Lani; Arms, Peggy Roney; Arms, Tom; Armstrong, Isaiah I.; Armstrong, Karen; Arnold, Oren; Arnott family; Arnott, Mr. and Mrs.; Asdell, Hattie; Ashurst, Griff; Attl, Kajetan; Attl, Violet; Avis, Frank ("Gyppo") Baber, Ben; Baber, Hugh; Baber, Olivia; Baccala, Baptiste; Baccala, Bartholomew; Baccala, Beatrice; Baccala Brothers; Baccala, Carolyn; Baccala, Clint; Baccala, Clinton ("Pat"); Baccala, Clinton III; Baccala, Clinton Jr. ("Tucker"); Baccala, Coloni ("Calvin"); Baccala, Elizabeth Cory; Baccala family; Baccala, Giuseppi; Baccala, Josephine; Baccala, Leland; Baccala, Marie Brunoni; Baccala, Mary; Baccala, Nita; Baccala, Patrick ("Pat Jr."); Baccala, Patrick ("Pat"); Baccala, Susie; Baccala, Victor; Baccala, Victor Jr.; Bachman, Cal; Bagley, Alice; Bagley, Paul; Bailey, Dana ("Daney"); Bailey, Dorothy ("Betty"); Bailey, Zoe; Bair family; Baker, Bill; Baker, Carol; Baker, Earl; Baker, Emma; Baker family; Baker, Janet; Baker, John G. ("Jack"); Baker, William; Bakke, John; Baldez, Ray; Ball, Justine; Ball, Ted; Balmer, Lynn B.; Bancroft, Hubert H.; Barber, Annie; Barber, Claude; Barber, Mr.; Barbour, Hanna; Bardill, Emil; Barham, Gilly; Barker, Anna; Barker, Bob; Barker, Claude; Barker, John; Barker, Pop; Barnes, Frank; Barris, Edna Bruce; Bart, Black; Bartlett, Lincoln Waite; Baston, Dale; Batchelder, Superintendent; Batcheller, W. T.; Bean family; Beavers, Harold ("Blackie"); Bechard, Bob; Bechard, Kathie; Been, Andrea Hanna; Been, Andrew; Been, Daniel; Been, Jim; Been, Kathy; Been, Nancy; Been, Veronica; Beery, Wallace; Behring; Belcher, Carla; Belcher, Rae; Belcher, Verne; Bell, Adelaide Mary ("Ada"); Bell, Claudine; Bell, Dorothy; Bell, Eleanor Ivison; Bell, Francis Thomas ("Frank"); Bell, Fred; Bell, Hugh Thomas ("Tommy"); Bell, Ivy; Bell, John; Bell, Mary Agnes; Bell, Thomas; Bender, Sally; Benner, Jacob; Bennett, Cora Shannon; Bennett family; Bennett, Harry; Bennett, J. Nelson; Bennett, James Archibald ("Archie"); Bennett, Loeta; Bennett, Marquis J.; Bennett, Nelson; Bennett, Percy; Bennett, Susan; Bennett, Wes; Benson, Betty; Benson, George; Benson, Laurie; Bentz, Henry; Berdan, Daniel; Berdan, Myron; Berryman, Gregg; Best, Dorothy Speegle; Best, Gilbert; Best, Sam; Best, Vivian; Bethard family; Betts, Mr.; Bevins, Ada; Bevins, Don; Bevins, Earl; Bevins, Ora; Bibbero, Sam; Bickford, Charles; Bickley family; Bickley, Gloria; Bickley, Harold Jr.; Bickley, Harold Sr.; Bickley, Ruby Messinger; Bicknell, Harry; Bicknell, Mrs. Harry; Bidwell, Annie; Bidwell, Henry C.; Bidwell, John; Biggers, Glen; Biggers, Susan; Bill, Becky; Bill, Wes; Billiou family; Billiou, Frances; Billiou, Joseph; Binning, Carolyn; Binning, David; Binning, Evelyn; Binning, Harry; Binning, Joan; Binning, Marilyn; Binning, Robert; Black, Charles; Black, Patricia; Blackstock, Betsy; Blackstock, Dan; Blain, Paul; Blanton; Blodgett, Hi; Bloomquist; Blough, Di; Blough, Jack; Bohling, T. J.; Bollings, Bud; Bollings, Dorothy; Bollings family; Boness, Amos; Booth, Louis; Booth, Pearl; Bowden family; Bowmeister, Dr.; Boyd, Charlotte; Boyd family; Boyd, Metta Margaret Minderman; Boydstun, Elsa; Boyle, Florence; Bradbury family; Bradley, Beverly; Bradley, Ione Russell; Bradley, Wally; Bragdon, Thomas; Bragdon, Zoe Ann; Brakebill, Horace ("Brakey"); Brandstatt, Clark; Brandt, Mr. and Mrs.; Branstetter, Ernest; Branstetter, Theresa; Braselton, W. A.; Brattan family; Brattan, Jack; Brattan, Joseph G.; Brattan, Roberta L.; Brayton, Bea; Brayton, Bob; Brayton, Doug; Brayton family; Brayton, Jerry; Brayton, John; Brink, Ira; Brisco, G. H.; Britton, Donna; Britton, Marilyn; Britton, Pat; Britton, Ray; Britton, Wilma; Brock, Stanley; Brockman, Chris; Broderick, Helen; Brooks, Edith; Brooks, Patrick; Brown, Cecil; Brown, Clara; Brown, David; Brown, Denis; Brown, Edith V.; Brown, Erin; Brown, Faye; Brown, Freddie; Brown, Imole; Brown, Jack; Brown, Jean; Brown, Joan; Brown, Ken; Brown, Leroy; Brown, Les; Brown, Mike; Brown, Richard; Brown, Sally Myers; Brown, Sylvia; Brownell, Kenneth; Browning, Chick; Browning, Vivian; Broyles family; Bruce, Effie Thomasson; Bruce family; Bruce, William H.; Bruffett, Donald; Bruffett, Evelyn; Buesing, Sylvia; Burch, Marble; Burleson, Tom; Burney, Mary Elizabeth ("Lizzie"); Burroughs, Harry Burt, Darlene; Burt, Edwin; Buschmann, Lew; Butler, Lesle Jones; Butte Creek House, Mrs.; Buttner, Fred L.; Byerly, Major; Byrne, Bill; Byrnes family Calvert, Alice Fern; Calvert, Delbert; Cameron, Caty Lucas; Campbell, A.J.; Campbell, C.B.; Campbell, Carroll; Campbell, Carroll Jr.; Campbell, Catherine Duensing; Campbell, James O.; Campbell, Joe Salisbury; Campbell, John; Campbell, John H.; Campbell, Josie; Campbell, Lucy A. Cox; Campbell, Mary; Campbell, Mary F. Canote; Camper, Charles; Carey, Vera; Carlos, Evan; Carlson, Edgar; Carlson, Linda; Carlson, Margaret; Carlson, Mark; Carlson, Mrs.; Carmack, Dwight; Carnegie, Bambi; Carnegie, Bruce; Carnegie, Leslie; Carovano, Barbara Bevins; Carpenter, Mrs.; Carr, Dorothy Robbie; Carrigan, Emelia; Carter, Craig; Carter, J. Emerson; Carter, Norma; Cartwright, Arland; Casey, ("Doc") Don; Casey, Anne-Marie; Casey, Bill; Casey, Brian; Casey family; Casey, Jacqueline; Casey, Judy; Chambers, W. L.; Chappell, Jim; Chatfield, Lee; Chatfield, Martha; Cheney, Alton; Child family; Chipmunk Charley. See Roper, Donald Ross; Christensen, Vivian; Christenson, Charmion ("Chummy"); Christian, Henry; Christian, Mary; Christopher, Mike; Clanin, William; Clark, Beauford; Clark, Dorris; Clark, Eliza; Clark, Gene; Clark, John; Clark, Lester; Clark, Martha; Clarke, Kenneth W.; Clarke, Les; Clayton, Carolyn; Clewe, Elizabeth; Clewe, Temple; Clough; Cochran, R. M.; Colby, G. W.; Colgan, Richard C. ("Dick"); Colm, C. Leland ("Bud"); Colm, Jenny; Colm, John; Combs, Alice; Comstock, J. H.; Congers family; Conklin, Barbara; Conklin, Carmen Andres; Conklin, Jim; Cook, Isabell; Cook, Nora; Cook, Tom; Cooke, Henry; Cooper, Harriet F.; Copeland, Charles; Copeland, Edwin B.; Copeland, Ellen; Copeland, Ethel Faulkner; Copeland family; Copeland, John; Cortez, Hernando; Cory, Elizabeth; Costello, Connie; Costello, Marianne; Costello, Mary; Costello, Thomas; Costello, Tommy; Cottingham family; Courtney, Al; Courtney girls; Courtney, Harriette Ann; Courtney, Helen; Covalt, Blanche; Covalt, Cliff; Cox, Thomas R.; Craft, Paul; Craig, David; Crane, Temple; Crawford; Creech family; Cresto, Joseph; Cresto, Margaret; Critchfield family; Critchfield, Jack N.; Critchfield, Mr.; Cropper, Kathleen Stocking; Cropper, Warren; Cross, Gordon; Cross, Kim; Cross, R. H.; Crouch, Ben; Crowson, Allan; Crowson family; Crowson, Nancy; Crowson, Steve; Crowson, Velma; Crum family; Cudd, Cynthia; Cudd, Everett; Cunningham, Jenny; Cunningham, Jessica; Cunningham, Jo Baccala; Curiale, Bartolo; Cussick, Bernard; Cussick, Bernard ("Barney"); Cussick, Bernard C.; Cussick, Clara; Cussick, Elizabeth ("Lizzie") McGann; Cussick family; Cussick family tree; Cussick, Herbert ("Leo"); Cussick, John B. ("Jack"); Cussick, John Bernard; Cussick, Maggie; Cussick, Margaret Keeley; Cussick, Margaret McGray; Cussick, Mr.; Cussick, Mrs.; Cutler, J. Danialson, Merlin; Darby, Howard; Darby, Marion; Daugherty, Herman; Davies, Louis; Davies, Shirley Jolly; Davis, Don; Davis, Doug; Davis, Ella; Davis family; Davis, Gene; Davis, Haydn; Davis, John; Davis, T. F.; Deakin, Frederick; Dean, Mrs.; Dean, William; DeBernardi, Frieda; DeBernardi, Ted; DeBock, Ernie; DeJarnatt, Lucile; Delaney, Joseph T.; Delaney, Ruby; Denn, Bernice; Denn, Clare; Denn, Sandy Willard; Denn, Wally; Dennison, Bill; Dennison, Bill ("Billy"); Dennison, Dixie Lee; Dennison, Jennie; Deter, Marvin; Dietz, Glen; Dillard family; Dillard, William; Divine, Ray; Dobrawsky, Adolph; Donovan, Joanne; Donovan, Kelly; Dorhety, Mrs.; Dorrett, Charles; Dorrett, Fred; Dotta, Charles; Dotta, Mary; Doty family; Doty, Virginia; Douglas, Dan; Douglas, Richard; Doyle, James; Dozier, George; Dozier, Lolita; Dozier-Hicks, Mary Lee; Drake, Anna Martha; Drobny, Don; Drobny, Eugene; Drobny, Gordon; Drobny, Joan; Drobny, LeRoy; Drobny, Vivian; Drummond, Gary; Dunlop, Pop; Dunn, Bonnie; Dunn, Dan; Dunn, J. F.; Dunn, Mary Phelps; Dunn, Mr.; Dunwoody, Mrs.; Dupen, James R.; Dupin family; Durham, Bob; Durham, Edna Reynolds; Durham, Estes; Durham family; Durham, William; Dutton, Mrs.; Dwyer, Martha; Dwyer, T. W.; Dye, Ike; Dyer, Elida; Dyer family; Dyer, Henry Eagleston, Floyd; Eames, Cy; Eames family; Eames, Mrs.; Earl family; Eaton, Richard; Edwards, Carolyn; Edwards, George; Edwards, Jim; Ehlinger, Jack; Elefante family; Elliot, Nettie; Ellsworth, C. F.; Embrie, Frank; Enloe, Dr. N. T. 1; Entler family; Entler, Joseph F.; Entler, Mary Gilley; Entler, Susan Henshaw; Erickson, Art; Erickson, Viola; Erlandson, Christine; Estes, Dorothy Pratt; Estes, Erline; Estes, Etta; Estes family; Estes, Harry; Estes, Roy; Everet, William; Evers, Hank; Evers, Marilyn; Ewalt, Ed Fairburn, W. A.; Fairfield, Asa Merrill; Faniani family; Faniani, Frank; Faniani, Jessie; Faniani, John; Farley, Anita Nielsen; Farley, Don; Farris; Faulkner, Dorothy; Faulkner, Harold; Ferraiuolo, Angie; Ferraiuolo, Frank; Ferraiuolo, Irene; Ferraiuolo, Jerdo; Fetscher, Alois; Fetzer, Caroline; Fetzer, Donna; Fetzer, Dorothy; Fetzer family; Fetzer, Morrison; Fetzer, Morrison Sr.; Fiack family; Ficken, Chris; Fiedler, Mary; Fields, Jack; Findley, Ellis; Fish, Dorothy; Fish, Vernon E.; Fisher, Alvie; Fisher, Larry; Fisher, Ruth; Fithian, Larue; Fitzgerald; Fitzgerald, Hazel; Fitzgerald, Walter; Fleck, Tom; Fletcher, Elton; Fletcher, Patricia; Flint, Emma; Flint, John; Flock, Mary Frances Windsor; Ford, R. H.; Forrester, Wilma; Fortier, Emily; Fortier, Stan; Forward, Ella; Foster, Isabel Roper; Fountain, Jane; Fowler; Fox, Jenny; Fox, Stacy Baccala; Fox, Travis; Fox, Verna; Frank, Ernie; Frank family; Franklin, Cecil; Franks, E. L.; Franks, Ernest; Franks, John; Franks, Lester; Frei, George E.; French, Mel; Fricker, Geoff; Frost, Jim; Futernick, Emily; Futernick, Joe; Futernick, Joy; Futernick, Ken; Futernick, Laura; Futernick, Marylee Guynn Gage, Helen Sommer; Galvan, Linda; Garcal, Edith; Garcal, Ken; Gardner, John; Gardner, Margaret; Garrette, Ed; Gaylord, Andrea; Gaylord family; Gebicke, Karl; Gebicke, Nancy; Gein, Pat Shulze (Cook); Genasci, Antoine; George, Bill; George, David; George, Jennette; Gerard, Rita; Gerholdt, Leona; Gerke, Mr.; Gerlinger, Frank; German, T.; Germond, Lois; Germond, Philip; Geyer, Chris; Gilbert, Clifford ("Blackie"); Gilbert, Mark; Gillum, Barbara; Gillum, Don; Ginter, Lloyd; Gleed, Dick; Gleed, Iris; Glenn, Aileen; Glenn, Dick; Glenn, Hugh James; Goni, Mary; Goodman, Roy; Goodrich; Goodrich family; Goodrich, Montgomery W.; Gordon, Betty; Gordon family; Gordon, Lois; Gordon, Milton; Gordon, Thomas; Gorsuch, Florinne; Gorsuch, Frances Thornton; Gorsuch, Fred; Gorsuch, Glenn; Gorsuch, Joan Cunningham; Gorsuch, Lee Thornton; Gorsuch, Pamela; Gorsuch, William; Goslin, Charlene; Goslin, Dennis; Gould, Wm.; Grant; Grant, Charlotte; Grant, George; Grawitz, Burt; Gray, Margaret; Gray, Wes; Green, Mr.; Greene family; Greene, Fern Stephens; Greene, Sidney Allen; Greenlaw, Bob; Greenley family; Grier, Erik; Grier, Frankie Estes; Grier, Gordon; Griffin, Howard; Griffin, Jan; Griffith; Griffith, Gus; Grigg, Carol Hill; Griswald family; Griswold, Candyce Kelly; Gross, Audrey; Growdon, Maribeth Harelson; Guill, John; Guynn, Park; Guynn, Pleasant; Guynn, Sarah Haddock, Jewel; Hagen, Anna; Hagen, Harry; Hahnn, Bill; Hail, F. G.; Hale, John P.; Haley, John; Hall, Dorothy "Dotty" Stover; Hall, Earl; Hall, Jacqueline; Hall, JoEllen; Hall, Tom; Hallenbeck, John; Hamilton, Jim; Hamrick, J. W.; Hamrick, Louisa J.; Hamrick, S. J.; Han, Felix; Hanford, Rob; Hann, Floyd; Hannah, D. A.; Hansen, Dorothy; Hanson, Barbara; Hanson, Pete; Harbison, Alicia; Harbison, Chris; Harbison, Rozanne; Harbison, Steve; Harding, Vickie; Hardy, Ruland Sr.; Harelson, Eileen; Harelson, Florence; Harelson, Rael ("R.A."); Harris, Elton; Harrison, Andy; Harrison, Charlene; Hart, Garland; Hart, Patricia; Hartt, Eleanor; Hartt, Mel; Harwood, Lucille Clarke; Haslet, Marietta; Hassel, Ellice; Hassel, Harold; Hassel, Marie; Hassel, Sigvart; Hassel, Sinnie; Hawker, Jack; Hawker, Kathy; Hawkins, Tracy Backlund; Head, Hazel; Head, Helen; Head, Ray; Hebert family; Hegan; Helbich, Karen Lavonne Booth; Henderson, Bob; Henning, Gene; Henshaw, L. C.; Henshaw, Mattie; Henson, Edgar; Hepplewhite, Dr. and Mrs. J. G.; Herman family; Herrick, Joe ("June Bug") Jr.; Hess, Calvin ("Callie"); Hibbord, Benjamin; Hicok, Rose; Hicok, W. R. ("Babe"); Hiegel family; Hignell, Doug; Hilbers, Leroy; Hildenbrand, Dona; Hildenbrand, Larry; Hill, Anne; Hill, Dorothy; Hill, Ella; Hill, Irma Yeager; Hill, Mack W.; Hill, Margaret; Hill, Tom; Hinshaw, Allen; Hinshaw, Chester; Hinshaw, Chet Jr.; Hinshaw, Dean; Hinshaw, Ed; Hinshaw, Owen; Hinshaw, Thelma; Hoever, Gus; Hoever, James; Hoever, Patricia; Hoffman, Cindi; Hogan, Kelly; Holbrook, Charles H.; Holmes, Z. W.; Hom, George; Hood, Bristow; Hooten, Mr.; Hope, Norman; Horn, Don; Hostetler; Houch, Mr.; Houcks, Mel; Houk, John ("Jack"); Houseman, Bob; Howard, Sarah Jane; Hoyl; Hume, Harry; Humphrey, Harry; Hunter, Diane; Hunter, Tom; Hutchinson, W.H. ("Old Hutch"); Hyndman, Georgia Ihle, John; Ihle, Marguerite; Inks, Susie Campbell; Inks, T. C.
Jackson, A. B.; Jackson, Colin; Jackson, Larry S.; Jacobson, Ranger; James, Albert (Jesse); Jansen, Henricus; Jansen, Sheila; Jarrell, Glenn; Jarrell, Marion; Jeffery, Corinne; Jeffries, John; Jeffries, LorWhrelda; Jeffries, Susan; Jenkins, Bert; Jenkins, Bill; Jenkins, Lesley; Jenkins, Rebecca; Jessee, Caroline Bruce White; Jessee, Jim; Jessee, John Tivis; Jessee, Nelda Meline; Jessee, Richard L.; Jimbo; Johnson, Mary Lou; Johnson, Nancy; Johnson, Ray; Johnson, Ray E., Jr.; Jolly, Donald; Jolly, Irene; Jolly, Orville; Jones, Albert F.; Jones, Bell; Jones, Callie; Jones family; Jones, George F.; Jones, George Foster; Jones, Jenny; Jones, Jola Gorsuch; Jones, Mrs.; Jordan, Ken; Juanarena, Bernece; Juanarena, Dan; Juanarena, Larry; Juanarena, Lucille; Justin, Miss Kalin, Mr.; Kauffman; Keats, John; Keefer, Will; Keesy, Dorothy; Keesy, Stan; Kelley, Bob; Kelly, Dorothy; Kelly, Thomas ("Mike"); Kelly, Tom; Kenkel, Jerry; Kennan, Owen; Kennedy, Guy; Kennedy, Jack; Kennedy, Mrs.; Kermen, Virginia; Kermen, William; Kerswell, Catherine; Kidd, LorRheba; Kilpatric, Bill; Kilpatric, Cass; Kilpatric family; Kilpatric, Jack; Kilpatric, Karyn; Kilpatric, Lorraine; Kilpatric, Lynn; Kilpatric, O. A.; Kilpatric, Randy; Kilpatric, S. S.; Kimball, Marjorie; Kite, Alvin; Klein, Don; Klein, Evalina Juanarena; Klies; Knecht, Larry; Knox, Walter; Koch, Libby; Koch, Roger; Koehl, Helen Pearl; Kopping, Al; Kopping, Bill; Kopping, Kris; Kopping, Verde; orby, Betty; Korby, John; Kutz, Bill; Kutz, Chuck; Kutz, Helen Marie Pillsbury; Kutz, Susan; Kutz, Vickie; Kyte, Al; Kyte, Barbara La Clear, Vern; LaForce, Lorna Barth; Lake family; Lamb, Norman; Lamb, Richard Allen; Lamb, Tracy; Lamb, Verna; Lancaster, Myles; Lange, Tex; Larson, Norm; Larson, Tanis; Lassen, Peter; Latimer, Dennis; Lawrence, Dr.; Lee, Ernie; Lee, Jimmie; Lehmkuhl, Fred; Lemke family; Lemm, Lloyd; Lester; Levenson, Rosaline; Levy, Mr; Lewis, Betty Lou Kilpatric; Lewis, Hayden; Lewis, Kathy; Lewis, Sam Jr.; Lewis, Vicky Sue; Lisbon, Frank; Litch, Jack; Litch, Pearl; Lobdell, George; Lobdell, Johanna; Lobdell, Ruby Barker; Locey, Anna Mae; Locey, Chick; Locey, I. H.; Long, Mr.; Loomis girls; Lopez, John; Lorenzen, May Stephenson; Lowry, Roy; Loyless, John; Lucas, George Bill; Lucas, Charles ("Yank"); Lucas, Clara; Lucas, Dan; Lucas, Donald; Lucas, Eleanor; Lucas, Ellen Arnold; Lucas, Ellen O'Callahan; Lucas family; Lucas family tree; Lucas, George ("Bill"); Lucas, George W.; Lucas, Gloria; Lucas, Grace; Lucas, John ("Jack") Henry,; Lucas, Lola; Lucas, Mamie; Lucas, Paul; Lucas, Richard; Lull, A. R.; Lull, F.; Lumsden, Guy; Lumsden, Virginia; Lundberg, Marvin; Lundberg, Virginia; Lundvlad, Diane; Lungren, Milford Maas, Ben; Maas, Inez; Madden, Donna; Madden, Marvin; Maddrill, Geraldine Jeffery; Maddrill, John; Maddrill, Maude Crouch; Maggi, Barbara; Maggi, Charles; Mahan, Leslie; Mahan, Marilyn; Mahler, Barbara; Mahler, Clarence; Mahler, Donald; Mahler family; Mahler, Margaret ("Marge"); Mahler, Nancy; Mallet, Eleanor; Mallet, Ralph; Malloy, Alice May Cussick; Malloy, Cussick; Malloy, Edward; Malloy, Henry; Malloy, Margaret Cussick O'Neill; Malloy, Mary Morrison; Malloy, Patrick; Mandeville, J. C.; Manes, John; Manes, Mary Jane Conery; Mann, Arthur Riley; Mann, Barbara; Mann, Joe; Mann, Mary; Mann, Peter; Manning, Ethel Price; Mansfield, George C.; March, J. D. (Jefferson Davis); Marion, Elmer; Marion, Mary; Marks, Adele; Marks, J. Harvey 1; Marks, Miss; Marshall, Abel; Marshall, James; Martell, Janice; Martin, Bert; Martin, Bill; Martin family; Martin, Glenn; Martin, Norman; Martin, "Peanut"; Martin, Sandra; Martin, Sara Lee Mills; Martin, Tom; Marv, Christian; Massa family; Masters, Tom; Mathis, Sybil Gage; Matthews, Lucile; Matthews, Stanley; Mazzini, Joe; McCamman, Paul; McCarger, Robert; McClatchy family; McClelland; McConnell, J. B.; McDonald, Lois; McDowell, General; McElroy family; McGann, Betsy Duffy; McGann family; McGann family tree; McGann, Gene; McGann, James; McGann, James J.; McGann, Mary Barry Hill; McGann, Mattie; McGann, Mollie; McGann, Nora H.; McGann, Patrick Owen; McGann, William; McGann, William James; McGie, Doug; McGie, Joseph F.; McGie, Lettie Rushton; McGowan, Clay; McGowan, Faye 2; McHargue, Gary; McIntosh, Annie; McKasson, Ella Mae Shaw; McKasson family; McKasson, Jim; McKasson, Loren; McKasson, Roger; McKasson, Wayne; McKenzie, Abner; McKenzie, Jack; McKillop, Norma; McKinley, President; McLain, Carl; McLain, Earl; McLaughlin, Henry P.; McNary, Deter; McNary, Don; McNary, Lillian; McRae, Don; McRae, Thelma; Mead, Lena; Mead, Roy; Means, Mr.; Medlock, Bruce; Medlock, Casey; Medlock, Diane; Mehring, Marilyn Deter; Meierdiercks, Jane Bicknell; Melcon, Dora; Meriam, Ted; Merlo family; Merlo, Harry; Merlo, Mark; Merlo, Sandy; Merrill, Harold; Mesecher, Roger; Messick, George; Messick, H. K.; Messick, Kirk; Messinger, Reuben; Messinger, Sara; Metzger, Bill; Metzger, Chris; Michael, Wayne; Mickey, Frank K.; Mickey, Mrs.; Mikolich, Helen; Mikolich, Mike; Miles, Bess; Miles, Betty Billiou; Miles, George; Miles, Molly; Miller; Miller, Cade; Miller, Harold; Miller, Jess; Miller, Joe; Miller, Liam; Miller, Lisa; Miller, Mike; Miller, Tess; Mills, Annie Picknell; Mills, Emily; Mills family; Mills, James II; Mills, James III; Mills, Kenny; Mills, Roy; Minderman, Charlotte; Minderman, John; Minderman, Lottie; Minton, David; Miser, Edwin; Miser, Rosa; Miskella, Josepha; Mitchell, Al; Mitchell, Alva W.; Moak brothers; Moak, Sim; Moller, Mel; Moore, Janet Nopel; Moore, Milton; Morehead, A. A.; Morehead, Dorothy. See Hill, Dorothy J.; Morehead, Jon; Morehead, Lois; Morehead, Margaret; Morehead, Mathew; Morehead, Michele; Morehead, Mr.; Morgan, Benton; Morris, Audrey; Morris, Ed; Morris, Russ; Morrison, Don; Morrison family; Morrison, Ira; Morrison, Loftos; Morrison, Mrs. Loftos; Morton, Berniece; Mullen, Captain John; Mullen, Major John; Murgia, Pete; Murphy, Newt; Murphy, Vincent; Musselman, Eva; Musselman family; Myers, Billie; Myers, Blossom; Myers, Christie; Myers, Dr. E. L.; Myers, Jack; Myers, Lew; Myers, Sally Navarro, Dan; Navarro, Joseph; Navarro, Linda; Navarro, Margaret; Nelson, Barry; Nelson, Chuck; Nelson, Don; Nesbitt, Hugh; Neubarth family; Neubarth, Gus; Newbarth, Edwin Sr.; Newbarth, Mary; Newman, Bill; Newport; Newton, Mr.; Nicholson, Mary Elizabeth Lucas; Nicholson, Robert; Nielsen, Jim; Nielsen, Wade; Nielsen, Walter; Noack, Sue Tuttle; Nomes, Nellie; Noonan, John A.; Nopel, Dave; Nopel, John H.; Norton, June Ogle, Harry B.; Ogle, Marie; O'Hanlon family; Old Jim; Olivarez, Beverly; Olivarez, Doe; Olivarez, Jess; Olivera, Manuel; ; Olker, Dr. Louis C.; Olson, Bernie; Olson, Robert; O'Neil family; Orendorff, Erma; Orendorff family; Orendorff, Jack; Ossenbruggen, George; Osterhaug, John; Osterhaug, Johnny O.; Osterhaug, Ruth; Overton, Maggie Campbell; Overton, Roy; Oviedo, Cathy Roney; Oviedo, Ed; Owen, Venita Palmer family; Palmer, George; Parker family; Parker, George; Parker, Marge; Parker, Otto; Parker, Paul; Parker, Rollo; Parrott, Jim; Parsons, Dick; Parsons, Etta; Parsons, Hugh; Parsons, Jane; Parsons, Roy; Patterson, Bruce; Pearl family; Pearl, Helen; Pearl, Kay; Pearse; Peterson, Bill ("Pete"); Peterson, Billy; Peterson, Ernest ("Red"); Pickens, Pearl V.; Picknell, Clarence G.; Picknell family; Picknell, Hattie Estes; Pierce, Captain; Pierce, Cindy; Pierce, E. D.; Pierce, Elwood; Pierce, George; Pierce, Henry; Pierce, Joan; Pierce, Keith Allen; Pillsbury family; Pillsbury, Grace; Pillsbury, William G.; Pinney, Norman ("Pat"); Platt, Calvin Warner; Platt family; Poage, Bob; Pond, E. B.; Poore, Albina; Poore, Fred; Poore, Jim; Post, Evelyn Bruce; Powell, Clyde; Pratt, Dr. Willard; Pratt, Sarah; Price, Charles John; Price, Charles Kirby; Price, Clarence Leslie; Price, Cleora; Price, David; Price family; Price, Grace Fannie Pegden; Price, James; Price, James W.; Price, Jay; Price, Lulu Frances Popplewell; Price, Rae; Price, Richard David; Price, Richard David ("Dick") Jr.; Price, Richard David Sr.; Price, Richard Dean ("Bud"); Price, Sara Simmons; Price, Sarah; Price, Walter George; Price, William; Prichard, Bill; Prichard, Liz; Propfe, Carl; Pucci, Ugo; Putman, Joan Flint Raish, Charles; Rattray, Charles; Raycraft family; Raycraft, Helen; Raycraft, Vincent; Rea, Lesle Ann Creech; Reagan, Bob; Reagan, Jean; Reed, Hector; Reed, Mrs.; Reeve, Dorothy; Reeve, George; Reinhart, Dorothy Yerxa; Reynolds, Mother and Father; Rhodes, Ila; Rice, Florence; Rice, Grantland; Rich, Walter; Richardson, Alice; Richardson, Alonzo Allen; Richardson, Alonzo W.; Richardson, Elisha; Richardson, Eliza; Richardson family; Richardson, Jared V.; Richardson, Joseph H. ("Redman"); Richardson, Larry; Richardson, Pierce C.; Richardson, Thomas B.; Richer, Les; Richer, Mary; Riley, Helen; Riley, John; Riley, Nancy; Rimbey, Carl; Ringel, Dorothy Campbell; Robbie, John Warren; Robbie, Leta; Robbins, R. M.; Roberts, Derrick; Roberts, Grant; Roberts, Larry; Roberts, Ryan; Roberts, Terry; Robinett, Barbara; Robinett, LeRoy; Rodgers, Burt; Rodriguez, Greg; Rodriguez, John; Rogers, Don; Rogers, Helen Allen; Rogers, Tom; Roll, Jeri Ann; Roll, Renée; Roney Brothers; Roney, Carrie; Roney, Donna; Roney, Elwin; Roney, Emily Uhl; Roney, Emma Uhl; Roney family; Roney, George N. ("Buck"); Roney, George U.; Roney, George W. ("Jock"); Roney, Jenny; Roney, John; Roney, John Uhl; Roney, Mable Detro; Roney, Mary Little; Roney, Megan; Roney, Roy; Roney, Sonnet 183; Roney, Sue; Roney, Ulrica Bennett; Roney, Wallace; Roper, Barbara; Roper, Catherine; Roper, Dick; Roper, Donald Ross; Roper, Isabel ("Belle") Kerr; Roper, John Westley; Roper, Louis; Roper, Mary; Roper, Richard; Rose, Chester; Rose family; Roseman, Anne; Roseman, George; Roseman, Helen; Ross, Walter A.; Roth family; Roth, Harry; Roth, Mary Entler; Rouse family; Rovai, Eugenie; Ruddy, Marie; Ruffa, Charlie; Ruffa family; Ruffa, Louis ("Louie"); Rushton, Mary; Rushton, Veda; Rushton, Wallace; Russel, Glen; Russell, Gene; Russell, Joy A.; Rutherford, Ann St. George, Walter; Sakely, Frank; Sakely, Pauline; Salem, G.O.; Salem, Nelson; Saltwedel family; Salzruedeh, Caroline; Santos, Anthony; Santos, Jacqueline; Sargent family; Sargent, H. E.; Saucerman, Helen Day; Saucerman, Victor Jr.; Saucerman, Victor Sr.; Sauer, Bob; Sauer, Velma; Schaller, Helen Hassel; Schill, Donna Conery Price; Schlichting, Anne; Schlichting, Dave; Schlichting, Melanne; Schlichting, Ryan; Schmidt, Eda K.; Schmidt, Everett; Schmidt, Jim; Schmidt, John; Schmidt, Mary Ellen; Schmidt, Vernon ("Til"); Schmoekel, Max; Schoen, Ed; Schoen family; Schoen, Marge; Schoonover, Steve; Schulze, Garnett; Scott, Everett; Scott family; Scott, Marian; Scotts John. See Colm, C. Leland ("Bud"); Seaman, Bill; Seaman, Frank; Seaman, Jean Mickey; Selover, Don; Selover, Lisa; Selover, Phoebe; Selover, Rick; Sewell, David; Sewell, Mr.; Shanks, Fred; Shaw, Cora; Shaw family; Shaw, Howard; Shaw, Samuel B.; Sheets family; Shelton, Cora; Shepard family; Sherman, Sam; Shinn, Bill; Shinn, Cheryl Nardella; Shirley family; Shoop, Charlotte; Shoop, Harry; Shuffleton, John Henry; Shuffleton, Margaret; Shuler, Gail; Shuler, J. D.; Shuler, Jake; Shuler, Jim; Shuler, Linda; Shuler, Olive Hamilton; Sims family; Sims, Jacob Franklin; Skeen, Lily; Skeen, Walter; Skeen, Willie; Sloan, Joe; Slocum, General; Small; Smith, Bill; Smith, Brad; Smith, Bud; Smith, Carolyn; Smith, Daisy; Smith, Elroy L.; Smith family; Smith, Jean; Smith, John H.; Smith, June; Smith, Nellie Lucas; Smith, Paul; Smith, Press; Smith, Ray; Smith, Roberta; Smith, Temple; Smith, Tom; Smith. Clarence L.; Smother, Les; Snow, Richard; Sommer, Wilhelmina Pratt; Spangler, Betty; Spangler, George; Spangler, Homer; Spangler, Judy; Sparks, Florence; Sparks, Mervyn; Speegle, Claude; Speegle family; Speegle, Gladys; Speegle, Homer; Speegle, Margurite Pitti; Speegle, Melvin; Speegle, Ray; Spidell, Elnora; Spires, John; Sprague, Jacob; Sprague, Roy; Sproul, J. D.; Sproul, Joel; Stallen, Chris; Stallen, Ernie; Staples, Boyd; Staples, Harold A.; Staples, Stan; Steele, Claudia; Steele, Lowell; Steidlmayer, Anthony E.; Steidlmayer, Charlie; Steidlmayer, Cindy; Steidlmayer family; Steidlmayer, J. Peter; Steidlmayer, Leo; Steidlmayer, Mark; Steidlmayer, Mary; Stephens, Alvin ("Buck"); Stephens, Alvin E. ("Nick"); Stephens, Catherine ("Cass") Messinger; Stephens family; Stephens, Fern. See Greene, Fern Stephens; Stephens, Ivan; Stephens, James T.; Stephens, Jerry Lee; Stephens, Kent; Stephens, Maude Burroughs; Stephens, Melinda Foster; Stephens, Rena Leininger; Stephens, Sam S.; Stephens, Samuel H.; Stephenson, Al; Stephenson, Clara; Stephenson, Ernie; Stephenson family; Stephenson, Florence; Stephenson, Ida; Stephenson, Lee; Stephenson, Lee Bud Jr.; Stephenson, Lee Sr.; Stephenson, Lona Odneal; Stephenson, Marion Francis; Stephenson, Myron; Stevens, Warren; Stevens, Zelma L. Thomasson; Steward, Clifford; Stewart, Charles; Stewart, Harlan; Stewart, Mary; Stewart, Nina; Stile, Mabel ("Mahon"); Stile, Patsy; Stile, Walter Jr.; Stile, Walter Sr.; Stocking, Elsie; Stocking family; Stocking, Ralph; Stone, A. B.; Stone, E. L.; Stone, Helen; Stover, Charles; Stover family; Stover, Jacob H.; Stover, Jake; Stover, Mary Ann Rose; Stover, Rebecca Hess; Stover, Reuben; Stover, Thaddeus; Stover, Tina; Strain, Victor; Strange; Strauch, Leland; Strauch, Lois; Strong, Donna; Strong, Jean; Strong, Jim; Strong, Mervin; Sullinger, Bill; Sutter, John; Sutthoff, John; Sutton, John; Swaim, Mrs; Swain, C. B.; Swain, Cass; Swain, Mrs.; Swift, Tony Taggart, Doug; Taggart, Leona Halley; Talbitzer, Bill; Tasker, Katherine; Taylor, George M.; Taylor, M. S.; Taylor, Marvin; Taylor, Robert; Tei, Bill; Thatcher, Frank; Theis, Sheri; Thomas, D. O.; Thomas, Lorraine; Thomas, Mary Matilda; Thomas, Mrs. D. O.; Thomasson, Beryl Verne; Thomasson, Blanche Verne; Thomasson, Caroline Richardson; Thomasson, Darlene Lowman; Thomasson family; Thomasson, George; Thomasson, Hardy; Thomasson, Harold Verne; Thomasson, James; Thomasson, James V.; Thomasson, Jim; Thomasson, Lester Keith ("Jack"); Thomasson, Linnette; Thomasson, Lori; Thomasson, Lynda; Thomasson, Mery; Thomasson, Nathaniel H. ("Nate") Jr.; Thomasson, Nathaniel H. Sr.; Thomasson, Robert ("Bob"); Thomasson, Tina; Thompson, Betty; Thompson, Carroll; Thompson, Catherine; Thompson, Irma; Thompson, Katie; Thompson, Kristin; Thompson, Mattie; Thompson, Nancy Campbell; Thompson, Sally; Thompson, Stuart; Thompson, Virginia Orendorff; Thornsberry, Doyal; Thornsberry, Rosella; Thornton, Joseph; Thornton, Lola; Thorup, Jim; Thurman; Tilden, Bill; Topel; Topp, Pat; Topp, Stuart ("Toppy"); Tovee, Charles; Tovey, Chief; Travis family; Tuttle, Bob; Tuttle, Carol; Tuttle, Charles; Tuttle, Charles Whitcomb Jr.; Tuttle, Judy Mahler; Tuttle, Oma Retterath Uhl, Emily. See Roney, Emily; Uhl, Emma. See Roney, Emma; Uhl, Irene Johnson; Upshaw family; Urseny, Laura van Eckhardt, Chrys; van Eckhardt, Elizabeth; van Eckhardt, Pieter; Van Gorder, Priscilla; Vanderveldon, Blance ("Bessie"); Vanderveldon, Hank; Vanous, Charles; Vanous, Dorothy; Vanous, Frances; Vanous, Frank Jr.; Vanous, Frank Sr.; Venos, Gil; Vestner, Betty; Vestner, Ethel; Vestner, Henry; Vincilione, Alice Copeland; Vincilione, Connie; Vincilione, Mike; Vinsonhaler, Claudia; von Humboldt, Alexander Wade, Grace Taylor; Wadlington, Don; Wadlington, Dorothy; Wadlington family; Wadlington, Joe; Wagner, Lynn; Wagner, Vivian; Waite, Billy; Wakefield, Betty; Wakefield, Connie; Wakefield, Ren; Wakefield, Steve; Walker, Cora Lee; Walker, Joe; Walker, Thelma Jean; Ward, Mr.; Warren (teacher); Warren, Mr.; Warrens, Goldie Zumwalt; Waterland, John Stanford; Waters, Carl; Waters, Frank; Watt family; Watters, Lorrene; Webb, Bob; Webb family; Webb, Lois; Weber, James; Weber, Theresa; Weissman, Irving; Welborne, Miss; Welch, Martha; Welch, Mr.; Weller, Elwood; Weller, Madge; Weller, Walter; Wells, Harry L.; Wells, Horace D.; Wells, Mrs. Horace D.; Welschke, Sada; West, Marian; Weyand, Daniel; Wheeler, Hilda; Wheeler, Mrs. J. H. (France Jones); Whisman, Deacon Lorenzo; Whisman, Ernest S.; Whisman family; White, Clarence; White, Cynthia; White, Jim; Whiteline, Elizabeth Campbell; Whitmarsh, Ruth; Whitside, L.; Whitten, Albert; Whitthams; Wilbur, Roger; Wilkinson, Lyle; Wilkinson, Ona; Willard family; Willard, Lyman; Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Lucian; Williams, Les; Williams, Marian Pillsbury; Williamson family; Willis, Claude; Willis, John; Willshire, Wm.; Wilson, Art; Wilson, Ed; Windsor, Bernice; Windsor, Carl; Windsor, Dixie; Windsor, Donald; Windsor, L. Olin; Winther, Oscar Osburn; Wiseman, Beau; Wiseman, Christena Myers; Wood, George; Wood, Mark; Wood, Mr.; Woodhouse, Valentine ("Val"); Woodmansee, Fred; Woodmansee, Sheila; Woodsum brothers; Woolsey; Wordell, Claude; Wordell, Donna; Wordell, Harry; Wright, Bill; Wright, Dr.; Wright family; Wright, Larry; Wright, Lucille Yeager family; Yerxa, Alison; Yerxa, Charles Tuttle Jr.; Yerxa, Charles Tuttle Sr.; Yerxa family; Yerxa, Harriette; Yerxa, Virginia; Yerxa, Woodford Allen Jr.; Yerxa, Woodford Allen Sr.; Young, Arthur; Young, Elizabeth Garcia. See Butte Creek House, Mrs.; Young, Sandy; Youngs, Bruce; Youngs, George; Youngs, Kelly; Yount, June Beavers
Zafferano, Julia Johnson; Zebley, Christine Price; Zebley, Frank; Zimmerman cousins; Zitlaw, Jo Ann Bruce; Zive, Mark; Zumwalt, Dan; Zumwalt family |
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