TE CHING (dow deh jing) can be translated as Book (Ching) of the Way (Tao),
chapters 1–37, and Virtue (Te), chapters 38–81. It was written over
twenty-five hundred years ago by Lao Tzu who is known as an "archivist
for a Chinese kingdom." Lao Tzu is translated to mean "Old
Master" and is not a proper name.
publication is an interpretation not a translation. It is my interpretation.
There are many other versions of Tao Te Ching written. The original
uses images and concepts that can have several meanings as language has
changed over the centuries. I am trying to accurately interpret the original
ideas, but it is up to the reader to ponder my interpretations and draw his or
her own conclusions. An exercise I recommend is writing your own Tao Te
Ching. The purpose of my work is to stimulate critical thinking. --Jerome